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Moshaich in the Parsha


Breishis 25:23.

Midrash Hagadol

When Rivkah was pregnant with Yaakov and Esav, and she was feeling them fighting within her, she asked Hashem why she was having so much pain. Hashem answered, "Two nations are in your womb... Each nation will overpower the other, and the older will serve the younger."

The descendants of Esav are the ones who are now keeping the Jewish people -- the descendants of Yaakov -- in exile. They "overpower" us during the period of Exile. But in the days of Melech HaMashiach, the Exile will end and the Jewish people will be free. Then, "the older" -- those from Esav -- "will serve the younger" -- those from Yaakov.


Breishis 25:25.

Beraishis Rabah 63:8

When Rivkah gave birth to the twins, Esav was born before Yaakov. The Torah writes, "The reddish one (Esav) was born the first."

The description, "the first," is used in the Torah to show something especially important. Hashem says, "In merit of the first, I will reveal the first, take revenge on the first, build the first and bring the first." What are these "firsts"?

* "In merit of the first" - The mitzvah of Lulav: "Take for yourselves on the first day (of Sukkos...)" (Vayikra 23:40).

* "Reveal the first" - Hashem: "I Hashem am the First" (Yeshayahu 41:4).

* "Take revenge on the first" - Esav: "The reddish one was born the first."

* "Build the first" - The Bais Hamikdash: "The throne of glory, exalted from the first, the place of our Mikdash." (Yirmiyahu 17:12).

* "Bring the first" - Melech HaMashiach: "The first of Zion" (Yeshayahu 41:27). 


Breishis 25:26.

Rashi. S'forno. Midrash Hagadol

The Torah describes the birth of Yaakov and how he got his name: "His brother then emerged, and his hand was holding on to Esav's heel (eikev) and He called his name Yaakov."

In this story and in the name Yaakov, we find a number of hints to the Redemption:

* Yaakov grabbing Esav's heel shows that Esav's descendants will barely finish ruling over us before we, the descendants of Yaakov, take over. This is why the prophet Yoel said (3:1), "And after, I will pour My Spirit upon all flesh" --"after" the rulership of Esav.

For this same reason, Esav is referred to as a chazir ("pig," literally from the word chozer -- "return"). This is because after he finishes ruling, he will return rulership to the children of Yaakov.

* The word "eikev" (heel) also means "end." At the end of days -- the Days of Mashiach -- Yaakov and his children will remain victorious. 


Breishis 26:20-22.

Ramban. Pirkei D'R. Eliezer 35

The Torah tells us in great detail how Yitzchak dug wells and how they were covered up. But it seems to describe a simple event, and not nearly as important as other lessons in the Torah. Why does the Torah tell us this?

In truth, its meaning is very profound. Each one of the 3 wells which Yitzchak dug symbolized one Bais Hamikdash, for just as the water of a well gives life, so too the Shechinah (Divine Presence) in the Bais Hamikdash gave life to the world.

* The first well, Aisek (literally "argument") stands for the first Bais Hamikdash which the non-Jewish nations attacked and finally destroyed.

* The second well, Sitna (literally "hatred") stands for the second Bais Hamikdash. During that time the nations had a great hatred toward the Jews, and finally destroyed the Bais Hamikdash.

* The third well, Rechovos (literally "wide" or "broad") stands for the third Bais Hamikdash. When Mashiach is revealed and he builds the third Bais Hamikdash, there will be peace in the world and tremendous rejoicing as we are led into the Redemption -- may we see it very soon!

This third well will be revealed when the Redemption comes, as it is written (Zechariah 14:9), "On that day, living water will come out from Jerusalem."

In speaking of the 3rd well, the Torah concludes, "For now Hashem has made things wide for us and we will be fruitful in the land." This refers to Hashem making the borders of Eretz Yisrael wider (Devarim 19:8) and all the nations serving Him together when the Redemption comes.


Breishis 26:1.

Beraishis Rabah 64:2

We are taught that there are ten famous hungers that will come to the world at different points of history. We saw them in the days of: Adam, Lemech (the father of Noach), Avraham, Yitzchak, Yaakov, the Judges, King David, Eliyahu, Elisha, and one hunger which will be divided among many generations leading to the time of Mashiach.

There will be one last hunger during the times of Mashiach -- a hunger to hear the words of Hashem (Torah study).

This final hunger will be as strong as all the other ten hungers in the world. Yet it will be different than the others in that it will be entirely good, for it will lead to the time when "The earth will be filled with the knowledge of Hashem as the water covers the ocean" (Yeshayahu 11:9). 


Breishis 27:1-2.

Tanchuma 8. Torah Shleima 27:15

When Yitzchak called Esav to bless him, the Torah refers to him as, "His older son" or "His greater son." Why is the wicked Esav referred to as "greater"?

Hashem explained to the Jewish people, "Before the Redemption, Esav and his children will have control over the world. It is as if My Kingship is not even firmly established, so to speak. Therefore, Esav is now called `greater.'

"But when the Redemption comes, he will pay for his wickedness, and My Kingship will be supreme over the entire world, when, `Deliverers will go up to Mount Zion to judge the mount of Esav, and Kingship will be Hashem's' " (Ovadiah 1:21).

At that time, Yitzchak wanted to reveal the day the Redemption would come, but it was concealed from him.



Breishis 27:28.

Midrash Hagadol. Beraishis Rabah 67:2. 75:8

In the famous blessings which Yitzchak gave to Yaakov (and which we say after Havdalah in the prayer, Vayiten L'cha), there are a number of references to the Redemption.

* Before the blessings were given, Yitzchak ate the foods Yaakov had brought. Yitzchak later said (27:33) that he had eaten "from everything." Rabbi Nechemiah explained that Yitzchak had been given a sample of all the good things that are stored away for the days of Mashiach.

* The first blessing was, "Dew from the heavens." This refers to a special dew which Hashem will use to bring the dead back to life at the time of techiyas hameisim.

* Yitzchak promised Yaakov, "Nations will serve you." Hashem gave the same promise for the times of Redemption: "Kings will be your baby- sitters and their princesses your nursemaids" (Yeshayahu 49:23).


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