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Moshiach in the Parsha


Shemos 21:2

Sefer Haparshios p.46
"For six years he shall serve and in the seventh year he shall be set free". (21:2)
These six years hint to the six kingdoms in which B'nei Yisroel were enslaved: Mitzrayim, Ashur, Bavel, Modai, Yavan, and Edom. After Golus Edom, we will be set free by Moshiach who will redeem us from our exile.


Shemos: 22:30

Midrash Tehillim 766, Torah Shleimah p.147
The Torah warns: "Do not eat flesh torn off in the field by a predator. Cast it to the dogs". (22:30)
Rabbi Berachia said in the name of Rabbi Yaacov: "If someone eats animal flesh torn off by a predator, he will be judged by Hashem". But if he keeps this mitzvah, then a grand feast will be prepared for him. When Moshiach comes - He will eat the Livyoson fish and special meat, as it says: "And you will eat food and be satisfied". (Joel 2:26)


Shemos: 23:8

Medrash Tehillim, Torah Shleima p. 182
The Torah tells us: "You shall not take bribery" (23:8). But in this world, however, Hashem accepts "bribery" from the wicked. What type of bribery? Teshuva, Tefillah, and Tzedakah.
Hashem says: "Do Teshuva while the heavenly gates are opened and I accept bribes. But when Moshiach comes, and I will be sitting in judgment, I won't accept it anymore. As it says: "He will not regard any ransom, neither will he rest content, although you give him a lot of bribery". Therefore, we must use every opportunity that we have in golus to add extra Tzedakah, davening, and teshuvah to bring Moshiach right now!


Shemos: 23:20

Medrash Agudah, Torah Shleimah p.228
Hashem told the B'nei Yisroel, "I will send an angel before you to safe guard you on the way". (23:20)
Our sages say that this is Mal'ach Michael who will also come in the days of Moshiach, as it says, "At that time Michael, the great general will arise. (Daniel 10:21)


Shemos 23:31

Lekach Tov. Torah Shleimah p.244
Hashem tells B'nei Yisroel: "I will set your borders from the Red Sea to the Philistine Sea, from the desert, to the river" (23:31).
This verse is speaking about the days of Moshiach when our borders will be expanded, as it says: "May he have dominion also from sea to sea, and from the river unto the ends of the world".


Shemos 24:11

Berachos 17a
Sometime after Moshiach is revealed, there will be a time when people will no longer need to eat and drink. We will "sit with crowns on our heads and enjoy the light of the shechinah (divine presence)."
Similar to what happened at Har Sinai, "They had a vision of the Divine, and they ate and drank" (24:11). Their satisfaction from the Shechinah was so great as if they ate and drank.


Source: Shabbos 88a
When Hashem heard B'nei Yisroel proclaiming, "Na'aseh Venishmah, (and saying we will do "before we will hear") He commanded 600,000 angels to bring two crowns for each Jew. Each angel placed one crown on the head of a Jew for having said, Na'aseh and a second one for Nishma.
The Jews made the golden calf, Hashem commanded His angels to take back the crowns from B'nei Yisroel.
In the time of Moshiach Hashem will return to us those heavenly crowns and we will be happy again!

* * *

"He sent the young men of the children of Israel and they offered burnt-offerings.. 'This is the blood of the covenant that G-d has made with you..'" (Mishpatim 24:5-8)

The Jewish people entered the covenant of the Torah by three rites, the third of which was the offering mentioned in this passage.
In the words of Maimonides: "Israel entered the covenant by way of three rites: circumcision, immersion, and a sacrifice.
Circumcision was performed in Egypt... Immersion was performed in the desert (Exodus 19:10)... and also the sacrifice (Exodus 24:5).. "
This remained the requirement for all future conversions to Judaism.
With the destruction of the Holy Temple, which precludes the offering of a sacrifice, there remained but circumcision and immersion. When the Holy Temple shall be rebuilt, however, these converts of the time of the galut, will have to offer that sacrifice as well.
Offhand, the present procedure raises a question: how can we presently accept a convert as a full-fledged Jew without the sacrifice?
There is, however, a basic distinction between circumcision and immersion on the one hand and the offering on the other hand.
The convert enters the fold of Judaism by means of the first two.
Circumcision removes the impurity of his former state while immersion infuses the holiness of Jewishness. The sacrifice does not add anything essential to his entry into Judaism.
A sacrifice is an offering and gift to G-d which establishes the profound and intimate bond between the Jew and G-d, analogous to the relationship between a child and its parent. That is why a sacrifice is called korban - an expression of karov, closeness.
A convert, therefore, will offer this sacrifice after having entered the covenant, to establish this special bond between G-d and himself.
The Holy Temple was marked by a manifestation of the Divine Presence.
In that time, the profound bond between G-d and Israel was also manifest. It is not the same in the era of the galut.
At present, the observance of Torah and mitzvot is essentially in a mode of simple submission to the "yoke of Heaven," and it is difficult to sense fully that special bond which existed during the time of the Holy Temple. Thus one can become and remain a full-fledged Jew even without the sacrifice.
Nonetheless, when the Holy Temple shall speedily be rebuilt, that offering will have to be made up for its unique effect. For the Messianic era will reestablish the special bond between Israel and the Almighty in a fully manifest and revealed way as in the most idyllic times before, and even more so, as it is written: "Behold, days are coming, says G-d, that I will make a new covenant with the House of Israel and with the House of Judah; not like the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt.. But.. I will put My teaching in their inward parts and in their heart I shall write it; and I will be their G-d and they shall be My people.." (Jeremiah 31:30ff.)


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